Meeting the standards of our own list

A few years ago, I was invited by an acquaintance to attend a wine tasting and get together at her home. Part of this annual event included a homemade game, that asked serious and transparent relationship type questions. It was a very intriguing game. The audience consisted of married couples, dating couples, and single men and women. It was hilarious at times and thought-provoking at others. One of the questions that I will never forget was “Would You Date Yourself”.

How many of us or people that we know have that list of things that we want our potential mate to have or be like? These list range from the simple to the elaborate! The list that sticks out in my mind is the one that concerns someone’s character traits and values. Would we desire someone honest and live a dishonest lifestyle ourselves? Would we want someone to be gentle, loving and kind when we are harsh, rude and mean? Do we meet our own standards on our checklist? Or do we desire someone else to make up for our poor character traits and values?

Would you date yourself?


  1. Would you date yourself? Many of us have our mate pictured and what we desire but never think that am I the one they are looking for? No need of being hard on yourself but clean some things up and throw away some things. Be what you desire and attract what you need! Thanks Rodney…excellent post!

    1. I like that April! “Be what you desire and attract what you need!” If both people had this mindset things would start off a lot better! Thank you for your feedback!

  2. This is a great question to ask when you are trying to decide whether to get back into the dating game. As for me, I think I have more work to do before I get back out there! I think if more people asked this question we’d have fewer dysfunctional relationships. If we all did the necessary soul work we would be able to have better relationships with one another.

  3. Great question! Not only would I date myself…. I would never let me go! I think I’m the total package. It’s not about ego – it’s about knowing who I am deep down inside and what I bring to a relationship. I expect the same in return in a man. That’s one of the great things you taught me Rodney.

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