My Quest to Keep It Going

A few years ago, I fell, and I fell hard! I entered the express train of love! To my surprise, there was a huge neon sign that flashed, “ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK“! I turned to run out, but the doors slammed shut, and the train took off like a bullet, with me holding on for dear life! That wasn’t my first experience with love, but my other trips were on trolley cars. This ride was unlike anything I had experienced before. Like millions of others, I hungered for more. I did not want that love high to end. So, I embarked upon an emotional journey to keep the hunger burning!

Have you ever been in love?

Falling and being in love is a fantastic feeling and experience! I’m talking about that wake-up and go-to-sleep with that person on your mind-type of love! That checking your e-mail and looking at your phone constantly kind of love! That increased heart rate as you get closer to their place, love! That you can’t get there fast enough manner of love! Infatuation, you might say? Often, yes. Even so, we immerse ourselves in it with an appetite for more! But can you feel this way or any of these sensations years after regular ups and downs in a relationship? My desire to keep this experience flowing helped me to create a simple recipe for success. It may work for you, too!

Cut Snacking

One of the things I found out was snacking would kill my appetite for my sweetheart. Sometimes, it would create a take-it-or-leave-it attitude within me. This wasn’t what I wanted! I realized that my baby had to be my hunger’s primary source of satisfaction. I needed to make some changes. I did not use social media to receive attention and compliments from other females. This increased my desire to receive attention and compliments from her. Avoiding those hugs from women interested in me made my sweetheart’s embrace even more special. My ears craved the sound of her voice, and my heart anticipated any form of communication from her. I wasn’t giving my phone number out or asking for numbers from other ladies to communicate with them. My honey was the fulfillment of my love hunger. I longed for her company because I was not spending romantic time with anyone else. Being in her presence seemed to be necessary as food to me. I needed to see her.

Fanning the Flames

Have you noticed that talking about, seeing, or smelling food makes you hungry or hungrier? I discovered that this principle also intensified my relationship’s emotional state. I began to take photographs of us anytime we went out. She enjoyed these photographic sessions, too. By doing this, I captured these happy moments and memories in time. I had photos on my phone, slide shows on my computer, and pictures on my desk. Doing this created a Psychological high for me. Looking at these images and reminiscing on those memories also served as comfort and hope. I needed this during times of disappointment and challenges in the relationship. Love songs played continually in my car, at my desk, and on my phone. I enjoyed songs from both perspectives. I envisioned myself singing to her and my sweetheart singing to me. Sometimes, I would sing verses of songs to her or leave her a singing voice message. This was something that she loved very much. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. So, I continued to watch love stories and romantic comedies with and without her. I even started reading romantic novels. I am a big fan of Francis Ray. May she rest in Paradise. The Grayson’s of New Mexico is an incredible book series of hers.

More than I expected

I discovered something on my mission to sustain the feeling and hunger for new love. I learned how to truly love, cherish, and adore a woman. More than my muse, she became the object of my education. Loving her this way revealed God’s love for me. It became clear that the more you love, the more you forgive. The more love you have, the more patience you have. My great love for her was not based on what she did or did not do for me. It was unconditional. Was I happy with everything that she did? No, not at all. Did she hurt me sometime? Yes, she did. My loving her became a reflection and reminder of how God loved me despite myself.

Intentional Restoration

This journey of mine to keep the hunger burning proved to me that nothing will last without much effort. There were many challenges throughout the years. During these challenges, I was sometimes frustrated and angry, but I wanted the love to continue. I had to be intentional about restoring the love and feeling I desired. It wouldn’t happen by itself. It wouldn’t always be easy. But it would most definitely be worth it!

Two Hearts Are Better Than One

If I had to retake this journey, I would wisely choose a woman who felt the same about me. Either way, I enjoyed the ride!

Have you ever done anything to keep that experience of new love going? Do you think it’s possible?


  1. This is SO sweet. I love the tip about taking photos and keeping memories. They are definitely good reminders when you’re having a rough patch in the relationship. Loved this. I’m sure your woman is a lucky lady!

  2. Outstanding post. As I’ve gotten older and have taken time to review myself and all that I’ve encounterd, I’ve learned that 1) I have never been in love. 2) What I thought was love was only lust, until God truly showed up and I listened. What ever the future holds in the presentation of God’s best. I SURLY will embark on being the best that I can be because yes. It is absolutely possible. Until then. I’m content.

    1. Thank you, Lynette, for stopping by and for commenting! It is definitely a boost of encouragement! In retrospect, we gain knowledge. With this knowledge, we have options to make wiser decisions. That’s power. Thanks again!

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