I’m lying on the floor in pain from my stomach muscles cramping. Tears are pouring out of my eyes, yet I cannot stop laughing! I’m not alone. Even with my vision blurred by the flood, I can see a woman about 4 feet from me on the sofa in the same condition. Do you want to know what happened to get us here?
Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday! I enjoy buying gifts and doing special things for the woman in my life. Years ago, I was in a relationship that was not going well and was on its last leg (and that leg was broken). Because things were going so badly, I decided I would not do anything on Valentine’s Day. Every year I take off work on Valentine’s Day, so while I was out and about, I changed my mind and decided to purchase a single balloon. I went to her job and tied it to the steering wheel of her car. When she arrived home from work later that evening, she was furious! I believe that was the angriest I had ever seen her at the time!
This woman went on and on (“&#%!@?!”) about how embarrassed she was! Because I didn’t bring anything to her job (I had a reputation for doing special things for her at work). She stated how ticked off she was about “that pathetic single balloon in the car!” After sitting there stunned with my mouth open for a moment. I said, “Can I ask you a question?” and she angrily replied, “What?!” Softly, I asked, “What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?”
After a long, awkward silence, I smiled, which made her smile. I then began to laugh, which made her laugh too! We laughed so hard until our eyes filled with water! I ended up on the floor in a ball, laughing hysterically while she did the same on the sofa!
Do I need to tell you what she got me?
I laugh every time I think about that Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I’m glad you laughed. I’d laugh too.
LOL!!! Thanks for stopping by.